Wednesday, December 30, 2009


In mathematics, a matrix (plural matrices) is a rectangular table of elements (or entries), which may be numbers or, more generally, any abstract quantities that can be added and multiplied. Matrices are used to describe linear equations, keep track of the coefficients of linear transformations and to record data that depend on two parameters. Matrices can be added, multiplied, and decomposed in various ways, making them a key concept in linear algebra and matrix theory.In this article, the entries of a matrix are real or complex numbers unless otherwise noted.More uses of matrix-like arrangements of numbers appear in chapter eight, "Methods of rectangular arrays," in which a method is given for solving simultaneous equations using a counting board that is mathematically identical to the modern matrix method of solution outlined by Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855), also known as Gaussian elimination.Since their first appearance in ancient China, matrices have remained important mathematical tools. Today, they are used not simply for solving systems of simultaneous linear equations, but also for describing the quantum mechanics of atomic structure, designing computer game graphics, analyzing relationships, and even plotting complicated dance steps!The elevation of the matrix from mere tool to important mathematical theory owes a lot to the work of female mathematician Olga Taussky Todd (1906-1995), who began by using matrices to analyze vibrations on airplanes during World War II and became the torchbearer for matrix theory.


  1. Chady, Wow! your article is very informative! and I personally, did not know the WIDE uses of matrices!!!!!!! Thanks!

    If you have time, can you find an example on one of those applications you mentioned?


  2. ok miss i will try to find some information any way miss i'm chady bou saab!

  3. Matrix is a very useful key for scientists

  4. scientists who discuss everything related to our life are using matrices thus there is a maintaind relationship between matrices and our real life!! thats so important and prove to us that really matrices are so beneficial!!

  5. Chady, I need your full name please.

    Thanks, Zeina

  6. Thanks for giving us a little history about matrices.
