Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Traffic Networks
Many network problems can be modeled by systems of linear algebra, for example traffic networks.Nowadays, people face traffic problems everyday for different reasons like accidents, construction,... etc. Making a system that correspondes to a certain block of streets, and solving it, will help us by showing us the changes that should be done in order to avoid negative flow.This is an example of how linear algebra can be useful in real life. http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~jkhoury/networks.htm
Tarek geagea
ID# 20081699
Friday, January 15, 2010
Hence, if you do not want to keep checking the Blog to look for new activities, you can subscribe to FeedBurner and you will get these changes via email! :)
Nice, eh? Why don't you try it out, if you wish. Zeina
Thursday, January 14, 2010
LAU students are checking your Posts and they will COMMENT!!!
I invited LAU (Byblos) students (mainly Biology and Pre Med Students) to your BLOG! They will comment on your wonderful posts by Thursday, January 21, 2010!
Check it out and respond if you would like :)
Wait until Tuesday, Jan. 19 though. ok??
Cheers, Zeina
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Interesting Math Website
I just found an interesting Math Site that can help you while studying and can give you lots of insights and new info about Linear Algebra!
Check it out!
This is it: http://www.intmath.com/Matrices-determinants/Matrix-determinant-intro.php
Monday, January 11, 2010
The stress matrix

Sunday, January 10, 2010
Interested In Music? Have fun with Matrices
A second-order Markov chain can be introduced by considering the current state and also the previous state, as indicated in the second table. Higher, nth-order chains tend to "group" particular notes together, while 'breaking off' into other patterns and sequences occasionally. These higher-order chains tend to generate results with a sense of phrasal structure, rather than the 'aimless wandering' produced by a first-order system.
URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markov_chain#Music
Who don't like music? No matter which genre? We all like it!!!
Patrick Daou.
Friday, January 8, 2010
When done with blogging
Next week, when done with blogging, and after you finish your exam 2, we should keep what we started with this Blog!
Give me ideas......
One idea I have to OPEN the BLOG's COMMENTS to the public and see what people around, students in Lebanon and abroad will comment on your posts! BUT you will have to keep checking your Blog OR USE SOMETHING CALLED RSS FEED! do you know what it means???
If yes, explain in a comment :)
The BLOG also will be shared, starting next week with the other sections of Linear Algebra at NDU and in a different American University as well!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to you who worked hard!
So, WHAT IS THE RSS FEED??????????
matrices in real world
Matrix operations are frequently used in real world computations.
Suppose a matrix gives the number of different computers that Michael sells in the first two months at his new job. He sells 30 units of computer Brand X, 21 units of computer Brand Y,
and 11 units of computer Brand Z. These sales numbers have been entered in matrix [A].
The row gives the number of sales for each brand and the columns represent the
brand of computer. The name of this matrix is matrix [A] and its dimension is 1 by 3 (1 x
3). This means that the matrix has one row and three columns.
Michael sells a Brand X computer for $999.95, a Brand Y computer for $875.50,
and a Brand Z computer for $1059. Matrix [B] gives the prices of the three brands of
computers. This time, the rows give the brands and the column gives the price of each
type of computer. The dimension of matrix [B] is 3 x 1.
Michael gets a commission of 12% on each computer he sells. Multiply matrix
[B] by 0.12 to compute the commission on each brand of computer.
How much is his total commission? Store (STO key) the results of the
multiplication to a new matrix, [C]. Multiply matrix [A] (the row gives the number of
computers and the columns give the type of computer) by matrix [C] (the rows give the
type of computer and the column gives the commission on each type) to obtain the total
commission for this number of computer sales. The product of a 1 x 3 matrix and a 3 x 1
matrix is a 1 x 1 matrix (one row and one column). His total commission is $7,203.96.
Naji Achkar mat 215 course linear algebra
Encrypting Text Using Linear Algebra

Consider the message 'ACT', and the key below (or GYBNQKURP in letters):
Article found at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hill_cipher
Alexander Abi Chaker 20091978
Real-world Application of Linear Algebra
(GPS) works by locking on to the signals of at least three satellites to calculate a 2 dimensional
position (latitude and longitude) and track movement. With four or more satellites in view, the receiver can determine the userʼs 3D position (latitude, longitude and altitude). The location
of an object could be identifi ed using 3 satellites or more. This can be done by solving linear
Mixing chemicals is a method used by a chemist to provide a useful outcome (e.g. solid, gas, liquid, spark, perfume... etc.) or not useful outcome (e.g. fire, bad smell, explosion... etc.). Dealing with chemicals is dangerous, but mixing chemicals is even more dangerous. The chemist has to
ensure that s/he is using the right amount of each chemical or there may be a disaster (or by luck a new invention). For example, when developing photographic negatives, s/he is dealing with three chemicals (developer, fixer and stop path), each one to be mixed with water in amounts specified by the manufacturer. Incorrect mixing will spoil your nice negatives. Where there is a large number of chemicals involved, computer packages can help to determine the right amounts to be included in the mix. Those computer packages use a technique that involves linear algebra.

Figure 1. Satellite communications and the satellite-
based Global Positioning System (GPS) have
benefi tted from mathematical models using linear

Figure 2. Chemical mixing can be modelled using
linear algebra.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Working with matrices in MATLAB
You can create a 3 .4 matrix full of zeroes:
» A = zeros (3,4)
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
or u can create a martrices full of ones:
» B = ones (3,4)
B =
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
Note that you can make a row vector full of zeros by typing zeros (1,5) or a column vector of zeros using zeros (5,1).Typing zeros (5) will give a 5.5 matris full of zeros.Perhaps more or a useful than a matrix full of ones is the identity matrix which have ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere.Remember that identity matrices are always square,ao that you only need to specify the number of rows in the matrix:
» I = eye (4)
I =
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
Identity rows and columns of matrices
The 3rd row of a matrix can be seen in Matlab by typing:
» I(3,:)
ans =
0 0 1 0
The 3rd column can be seen i a similar fashion:
» I(:,3)
ans =
You can even select submatrices in this way.Here we pick off a 3x3 matix.
» I (1:3,2:4)
ans =
0 0 0
1 0 0
0 1 0
i created a 4x4 random matrix:
» A = rand (4)
A =
0.9501 0.8913 0.8214 0.9218
0.2311 0.7621 0.4447 0.7382
0.6068 0.4565 0.6154 0.1763
0.4860 0.0185 0.7919 0.4057
you can select the upper part of A using
» upper = triu(A)
upper =
0.9501 0.8913 0.8214 0.9218
0 0.7621 0.4447 0.7382
0 0 0.6154 0.1763
0 0 0 0.4057
The lower triangular part may be picked off using
» lower = tril (A)
lower =
0.9501 0 0 0
0.2311 0.7621 0 0
0.6068 0.4565 0.6154 0
0.4860 0.0185 0.7919 0.4057
The main diagonal may be extracted (as a vector) using
» d = diag(A)
d =
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
using matrices to solve optimization problems
suppose that a farmer wants to plant his land (of area A) with either wheat or barley or a combination of both. Moreover he has a limited allowed quantity of fertilizer (F) and insecticide (P) which is used in different amounts per unit area for wheat (F1, P1) and barley (F2, P2). the farmer wants to know what amounts should he plant of wheat and barley in order to maximize his profit.
let S1 be the selling price of wheat and S2 the selling price of barley.
this maximization problem can be solved by matrices

matrices are a easy way to solve optimization problems especially when there is a big number of variables.

David Mumford, Alan Yuille, and Peter Hallinan at Harvard have taken a different tack in the computer matching of faces. One problem in analyzing a picture of a person's face is that the image depends largely on the presence or absence of shadows, which depend, in turn, on lighting conditions. Mumford and Hallinan address this by computing what they call "eigenfaces".
To obtain these, they photograph a subject under as many as a hundred different lighting conditions. Once digitized, these images can be interpreted as points in a very high-dimensional space (the dimension is equal to the number of pixels in the image). The resulting cloud of points is shaped something like an ellipse. The axes of the ellipse and their lengths can be determined by a computation in linear algebra (to be precise, by computing the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of the Matrix IIt where I is a column-by-column listing of the images and It is the transpose of I). The eigenfaces lie along these axes. The idea is to reconstruct a good approximation to a face under general lighting conditions by combining just a few eigenfaces and then "warping" the result.
The theory of linear agebra carries over into the high-dimensional world of digital images with the computation of "eigenfaces" in an application of control theory to an important problem in pattern recognition. (Figure courtesy of Harvard Robotics lab.)
(From: The Gentle Art of Control , in "What's Happening in the Mathematical Sciences", Vol. 3, by Barry Cipra, and published and available from the American Mathematical Society .)
Using matrices to Enhance Marketing
Much of marketing strategy involves connectivity. Seeing and understanding the complex relationships between lawyers and clients, between value and client loyalty, between supply and demand, between recurrent and non-recurrent client needs for services, between referral sources and end-consumers, and the list goes on.
Connectivity can certainly be identified on a case-by-case basis. Many successful lawyers have good understanding of connectivity, know how to get from A to B, and succeed at developing long term business by making it up as they go along.
However, to develop marketing organizations that are effective and successful—whether at the law firm, practice group or marketing team level—common goals, strategies, targets and vehicles must be formulated and implemented. And, in order to develop organizational marketing programs and strategies, case-by-case connectivity must be converted into patterns that can be systematically identified, evaluated, prioritized and acted upon.
One simple-yet-creative tool, and one that is generally underutilized in marketing legal services, is the matrix. Properly constructed and employed, matrices can be of great assistance in converting random information into meaningful, useful patterns. These patterns can greatly assist in developing more targeted, focused marketing strategies. Patterns can also be derived to assist organized follow through and management of strategies. In addition, while somewhat non-traditional compared with the goals-first-and-then-strategy planning continuum, conclusions drawn from matrices can help test, shape, or re-shape a firm or practice group’s marketing goals and objectives.
The following examples of marketing matrices illustrate their diverse, pragmatic application to marketing, including market research, targeting, planning, strategizing, and implementation.
Client Service Grid
This matrix can either be used with existing clients or prospects. It is a method of channeling preliminary knowledge and research into the formation of cross-selling or entry strategies for individual clients.
Real Estate
Other Practice Areas
Client A
Uses our firm
Can use our firm
Client B
Uses our firm
Uses our firm
Prospect A
Uses our firm
Can use our firm
Not sure
Based on assumed information, a cross-selling opportunity appears with Client A in the environmental area. Client B warrants a retention strategy, assuming the firm handles all of the client’s work in these areas. Prospect A appears to have potential in real estate and environmental, and may have potential in construction law.
Key Client Matrix
This matrix is a vehicle to objectively identify a law firm’s key clients. The assumption underlying this matrix is perhaps most important: a key client has at least one of the following characteristics: current business volume; potential business volume; or value as a referral source. In other words, a client with great potential for legal work, or proven value as a referral source, may be regarded as a key client even if the current revenues from that client are modest.
Current Fee Revenue
Potential Revenue
Value as Referral Source
Client A
Maybe – not yet
Client B
Client C
Even this simple example suggests more than a process for identifying key clients. Any key client may be targeted for special client service initiatives, marketing planning, or other attention. Client A may be an untapped source of referrals, depending on the industry, client decision-makers and other factors. Client B suggests expansion-oriented objectives and strategies, through more of the same type(s) of legal services, or through diversified services via strategies for cross-selling or team-selling.
Client/Office Matrix
This matrix was developed to help multi-office law firms systematically identify clients with business operations in more than one geographic area. This matrix illustrates the beginning, culminating with potential targets and synergies. Once identified, individual client’s legal needs, the corresponding capabilities of the firm/offices to deliver services, client decision-making structures for retention of counsel, competition, and other factors would need to be assessed prior to and during strategy development. The targeting information can be used:
* To introduce the lawyers and services of one or more additional offices directly to the client for local services;
* To expand overall representation by team-selling two or more offices;
* To cross-sell specialized lawyers from another office into a branch office locale.
Smithville Office
Jonesdale Office
Bigcity Office
Client A Operations in Smithville; we provide services Operations in Jonesdale; we don’t provide services Operations in Bigcity; we don’t provide services
Client B Operations in Smithville; we don’t provide services No operations Operations in Bigcity; we provide services
Regarding Client A, the firm can explore direct introductions or cross-selling the lawyers and services by offices in both Jonesdale and Bigcity areas. In addition, if we assume for this illustration that the law firm’s largest office is in Bigcity, there may be specialty cross-selling of Bigcity Office lawyers and services for Smithville-based client legal service needs. To the extent other Smithville and Jonesdale offices have specialists, the latter strategy would be applicable for them as well.
Client B may have locally based needs in Smithville, warranting introductions of Smithville lawyers and service capabilities. Smithville Office specialists can be cross-sold. In general, the firm’s local presence can be touted as a commitment to the community, local offices can be used for Client B meetings and even offered to Client B for off-site meetings.
Contact Priority Matrix
Referral sources for legal work can be affirmatively targeted for development. First, profile an ideal client for a practice group or specialty. Second, think of groups, professions, or individuals who are routinely “one step away” from the ideal client—individuals who are likely to come into contact with the ideal clients. For example, in the tax controversy area, accountants and accounting firms would be “one step away”—connected routinely to individuals and businesses, some of which, at any given time, may be about to experience a tax controversy requiring a lawyer’s help. Accounting firms, or more likely accountants, can be identified and listed—step three.
At this point, the list lacks prioritization and may be long and unwieldy. In general, establishing strong, repetitive referral sources involves establishing relationships—usually more is not merrier. Besides, substantial time can be involved in cultivating referral sources. If the time is devoted to superficially following up on a long list of only somewhat interesting or somewhat interested referral sources, it is likely to be time squandered.
The Contact Priority Matrix was developed to help easily prioritize a list of potential referral sources, for expansionistic pursuit. When potential referral sources have been listed, the Matrix below provides two rating scales to be applied to each potential referral source. Each scale decreases from 3 to 1. The left-hand scale rates each potential referral source based on the quality of their potential client contacts. Assign a 3 if the referral source definitely has the contacts; a 2 if it is a maybe, for example, a referral source on the way up; and a 1 if it is doubtful, for example the source has turned to technology consulting rather than tax work. The right-hand scale describes the strength of the current tie with the prospective referral source—the propensity to help. Again the scale descends from a 3, (“Definitely, since we represented him personally, he thinks the world of our firm”); to a 2 (“I’m not sure, we’re cordial, but haven’t really talked about what we do”); to a 1 (doubtful).
Referral Source
Does the potential referral source have contacts of interest to us?
Is the potential referral source willing to help or work with us?
Potential Source A 3 – Definitely 3 – Definitely
Potential Source B 3 – Definitely 1 – Doubtful
Potential Source C 2 – Maybe 3 – Definitely
Add the two scores of each source, (e.g.: Source A equals 6; Source B equals 4). Contact those with combined scores (i.e., priority) of 6, then 5, then 4, etc. With limited time and a desire to focus on high potential, willing referral sources, those on the list receiving 6’s would be contacted first, followed by those receiving 5’s, possibly followed by those receiving 4’s.
For many, if not most, law firms, the next level of marketing achievement is to become effective, successful marketing organizations—at firm, department, office, and specialty team levels. Firms that become effective marketing organizations augment individual entrepreneurial efforts by creating more opportunities, and by better recognizing and capitalizing on the opportunities created.
The law firm as an institution and individual lawyers can help build an effective marketing organization, by thinking strategically—visualizing the interrelationships and connectivity between factors and forces in the form of patterns, as well as individual fact situations. From this foundation, law firms can begin intuitively perceiving and evaluating the potential of interrelationships, to ultimately, anticipating and creating the connections that yield new prospects, clients, service vehicles, marketing tools—and even new services.
Matrices are simple vehicles that can be used, creatively and with broad application, to assist law firm market research, targeting, planning, strategizing and implementation.

The website is: http://www.intmath.com/Matrices-determinants/6_Matrices-linear-equations.php
example 4 in the list of examples...hope to be a good example.
Using Inverse Matrices in Real Life
we can use matrices to create a cryptogram
cryptogram is a message written according to a secret code.
From greek word kryptos meaning hidden and gramma meaning letter.
steps 2 create a cryptogram:
. Assign a number to each letter in the alphabet with out a blank space.
. Convert the message to numbers partitioned into 1*2 uncoded row matrices.
. To encode a message choose a 2*2 matrix A that has an inverse and multiply the uncoded row matrices by A on the right to obtain coded row matrices.
for example:
convert : GET HELP
. 7 5 20 0 8 5 12 16
. [7 5] [20 0] [8 5] [12 16]
. encode use A= 2 3
-1 -2
to see the answer just download the following:
we can encode and decode!!!
Claudia Abdel-Sater
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
In the Real World
Any data that is organized in columns and rows can be represented as a matrix. Matrices are used to represent real-world data such as the habits, or traits of a population of people.
Matrices are used in economics
All of us sooner or later will be married. And all of us will have children,which means having a family. However having a family means spending a lot of money on its expenses. Therefore you should know how to find an easy way that'll help you know how much you have spent money on the expenses. The most wonderful way is using the matrices. If you don't believe me you can check this example which you can find by visiting
Aida Lteif
Monday, January 4, 2010
Vectors and matrices
This research explains how to use matrices in 3-dimensional space and that could be explained by explaining vectors that we already started earlier today in class, it shows us how to add or subtract two vectors which is just like ordinary numbers, and how to multiply a vector product by a scalar.
Here are two examples how to add or subtract two vectors.
- You can add two vectors by adding their coordinates. Geometrically, thinking of vectors as arrows, this corresponds to taking the tail of one arrow and putting it at the head of the other arrow. So if the vector a points from P to Q, and b points from Q to R, then the combined vector a + b points from P to R.
- You can also subtract two vectors, by subtracting their coordinates. Geometrically, this corresponds to moving both vectors so that they start at the same point, and drawing the vector that connects their end points. So if a points from P to Q, and b points from P to R, then b - a points from Q to R.
i learned how to use the matrix library in the bottom of the article, that i could use in my C++ courses.
The Leontief open Model
Consider an open economy with three industries: coal-mining operation, electricity-generating plant and an auto-manufacturing plant. To produce $1 of coal, the mining operation must purchase $0.1 of its own production, $0.30 of electricity and $0.1 worth of automobile for its transportation. To produce $1 of electricity, it takes $0.25 of coal, $0.4 of electricity and $0.15 of automobile. Finally, to produce $1 worth of automobile, the auto-manufacturing plant must purchase $0.2 of coal, $0.5 of electricity and consume $0.1 of automobile. Assume also that during a period of one week, the economy has an exterior demand of $50,000 worth of coal, $75,000 worth of electricity, and $125,000 worth of autos. Find the production level of each of the three industries in that period of one week in order to exactly satisfy both the internal and the external demands.
It's interesting to see how matrices are being implemented in industries and economy.
You can see the solution of this example on this link: http://aix1.uottawa.ca/~jkhoury/leonteif.htm
Cynthia Azar 20071375
Using Matrices Functions for Finance
For example, here is a 2-by-3 matrix of two bonds (the rows) with different par values, coupon rates, and coupon payment frequencies per year (the columns) entered using MATLAB notation:
Bonds = [ 1000 0.06 2
500 0.055 4 ]
Cash = [ 1500 4470 5280 -1299 ]
Referencing Matrix Elements
To reference specific matrix elements, use (row, column) notation. For example:
ans =
ans =
You can enlarge matrices using small matrices or vectors as elements. For example,
AddBond = [ 1000 0.065 2 ];
Bonds = [ Bonds; AddBond ]
Adds another row to the matrix and creates
Bonds =
1000 0.06 2
500 0.055 4
1000 0.065 2
Transposing Matrices
Sometimes matrices are in the wrong configuration for an operation. In MATLAB, the apostrophe or prime character (') transposes a matrix: columns become rows, rows become columns. For example,
Cash = [ 1500 4470 5280 -1299 ]'
Cash =
It's interesting to see matrices being used in this line of work.
More information can be found at this site
Richard Khoury
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Matrices used by the Input-Output model in Economics
My post focuses on how matrices can be used in economics, specifically in the input-output model. It relates the columns of the matrices with the value of the inputs of the industries, and the rows with the value of the outputs of the industries, as shown below.
In economics, an input-output model uses a matrix representation of a nation's (or a region's) economy to predict the effect of changes in one industry on others and by consumers, government, and foreign suppliers on the economy.Input-output depicts inter-industry relations of an economy. It shows how the output of one industry is an input to each other industry. Leontief put forward the display of this information in the form of a matrix. A given input is typically enumerated in the column of an industry and its outputs are enumerated in its corresponding row. This format, therefore, shows how dependent each industry is on all others in the economy both as customer of their outputs and as supplier of their inputs. Each column of the input-output matrix reports the monetary value of an industry's inputs and each row represents the value of an industry's outputs. Suppose there are three industries. Column 1 reports the value of inputs to Industry 1 from Industries 1, 2, and 3. Columns 2 and 3 do the same for those industries. Row 1 reports the value of outputs from Industry 1 to Industries 1, 2, and 3. Rows 2 and 3 do the same for the other industries.
Below is a direct example:
Unfortunately, the blog does not read the format of the matrices, so here is the link:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Input-output_model
Check it out yourselves.
The best thing about my application is that the mathematics of the input-output model is straighforward eventhough its requirements are enormous because all the costs, revenues, and expenditures of each brand of economic activity has to be represented.
As a result, not all countries collect the required data and data quality varies, eventhough a set of standards for the data's collection has been set out by the United Nations through its System of National Accounts(SNA): the replacement for the current 1993 SNA standard is pending. Because the data collection and preparation process for the input-output accounts is necessarily labor and computer intensive, input-output tables are often published long after the year data was collected--typically as much as 5-7 years after. Moreover, the economic "snapshot" the benchmark version of the tables provide of the economy's cross-section are taken only once every few years, at best. Although many developed countries estimate input-output accounts annually and with much greater recency.
At least we spot relations between matrices/mathematics and real life.
Rolland Al-Ahmar 20091284
The Uses of Matrices

thank you.
This link contains the most important application of matrices in the coding pattern!!!!
after viewing this link really we can say that matrices are related in our real life.they are used for sending text messages which is so important.
In this post: to encrypt a message we convert the msg to a matrix BUT to decrypt the msg we need to know the inverse of the matrix !
All what we learned in class including row operations,determinants,upper triangular matrix are applied to be able to sent the message finally!
hope u enjoyed these nice information that teach us how to solve a problem through matrices!
input output matrix

matrices simplifie software programming
Homogeneous matrices are indeed a purely academic invention in computer graphics courses used to show how "great" they are, while in reality they just obfuscate the subject matter to impress the unsuspecting student. Poor teachers and book authors usually need them, while in real life you implement the code to take human-readable forms of transformations (aka rotation, translation, scaling) and turn them into homogeneous matrices once. Then you never need to know about them any more as their mathematical properties are fairly simple (well, matrices in general are simple after all) - it is only visualizing homogeneous matrices content's meaning in 3D that is non-intuitive.
3D transformation matrix compression and decompression
Compressing and decompressing techniques for transformation matrices 3D computer graphics systems use to animate objects achieve high compression ratios by taking advantage of common characteristics of homogenous 3D transformation matrices. The techniques use a bitmap to encode information on locations of ones and zeros of the matrix--bypassing the penchant of compilers to represent such information as high-precision numbers. Since most video game processors and display hardware are constrained by their resolutions and since an original transformation matrix often stores data that is more accurate than necessary, the techniques convert some real numbers in the matrix (e.g., those within the range of -1 and 1) into integers by scaling them by a constant. The resulting compressed matrices occupy much less storage space than their non-compressed counterparts, and can be efficiently decompressed in real time for use in interactive real time 3D animations.

for bigger explanation and full example http://www.patentstorm.us/patents/6591019/description.html
Matrices and lines
1_Test for collinear points:
so lets say we have these 3 points: (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x3,y3)
the rule is: three points are collinear if and only if the determinant found by placing the x-coordinates in the first column, the y-cooredinates in the second column , and one's in the third (that's just because we have 3 points so we need to have a square matrix so we add a column of 1's) is equal to 0
and we ask the question:is the determinant of this matrix
x1 y1 1
x2 y2 1 equal to 0? if yes then they are collinear
x3 y3 1
2_to find the equation of a line:
we take to of these 3 points and we put them in a 3*3 matrix with the first row the 2 variables x and y and the determinant of this matrix shoud be equal to 0:
x y 1
x1 y1 1 =0
x2 y2 1
let's take a simple example:
(1,1) (2,2) (3,3)
1_determinant of :
1 1 1
2 2 1
3 3 1
is equal to :2+3+6-6-3-2=0 so they are collinear
2_the equation: determinant of
x y 1
1 1 1 =0 we get the equation :x=y wich is correct
2 2 1
so this method could be useful to find out if a big number of points are collinear
you can find other uses for matrices on this website:
Peter Dagher
Real life uses of matrices
now this one may seem a little hard at first but try to solve it before looking at the solution cause it's actually very easy:
we want to obtain at the end 10 L of gasoline containing 2% additive (which means 98% gasoline)
we have these 3 types of gasoline:
1_gasoline without additive
2_gasoline with 5% additive
3_gasoline with 6% additive
And finally we need to use 4 times as much pure gasoline as 5% additive gasoline.
so how much of each type is needed?
you should get :6.4L of 1 1.6L of 2 2L of 3
Given up?
the solution is too big to post here so u can look at this website and press on "ANSWER":
Peter Dagher
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Business Math
Business Math
Quantum Mechanics
And Matrices in Quantum Mechanics serve as a key tool for describing the scattering experiments which form the cornerstone of experimental particle physics: Collision reactions such as occur in particle accelerators, where non-interacting particles head towards each other and collide in a small interaction zone, with a new set of non-interacting particles as the result, can be described as the scalar product of outgoing particle states and a linear combination of ingoing particle states. The linear combination is given by a matrix known as the S-matrix, which encodes all information about the possible interactions between particles.
An example is included above in the link, i could have typed it, but since it is long and it is Quantum Mechanics we are talking abou here i prefered no to post it.
Walid Wehbe
Friday, January 1, 2010
finding the area of a triangle
for example if your given a problem about finding the area of a triangle with this given information A(2,1);B(5,6);C(9,-1).If you don't know
the determinant you will have to find the lenght of AB AC and BC then find the area we get 20.5.But there is an easy way to find the area is by the method of
determinant we put the x values in the first column then the y values in the second column and in the third column we put 1.Then we do the method
of determinant and we get -41.So 41 is half 20.5.And we can get + if we interchange the rows.
first method:
AB=root 34
AC=root 65
BC=root 53
if we add them all we get 20.5
method of determinant
det{2 1 1}
{5 6 1}
{9 -1 1}
= -41
Finally if we want to find the area of a triangle all we have to do is find the absolute value of the determinant over 2, it is easy, simple
and we can save time.
Sami Nassif