Friday, January 1, 2010

finding the area of a triangle

for example if your given a problem about finding the area of a triangle with this given information A(2,1);B(5,6);C(9,-1).If you don't know
the determinant you will have to find the lenght of AB AC and BC then find the area we get 20.5.But there is an easy way to find the area is by the method of
determinant we put the x values in the first column then the y values in the second column and in the third column we put 1.Then we do the method
of determinant and we get -41.So 41 is half 20.5.And we can get + if we interchange the rows.

first method:
AB=root 34
AC=root 65
BC=root 53
if we add them all we get 20.5

method of determinant
det{2 1 1}
{5 6 1}
{9 -1 1}
= -41
Finally if we want to find the area of a triangle all we have to do is find the absolute value of the determinant over 2, it is easy, simple
and we can save time.

Sami Nassif


  1. Hello Sami. Thanks for your post. BUT I have 3 remarks:

    1) You need to include the website where you got the info.

    2) Were the words your own writing?? or was it copied and pasted???

    3) Please refer to the Link that Roy Doumet had... it includes how to find the area of the triangle using determinants.. the explanation is more clear.

    Sami, I advise you to rewrite the report with your own words and include a link! OK???

    Thanks, Zeina

  2. ok miss 20 min and i will put a new post

  3. nice it is a very easy way to find the area of the triangle..

  4. Wonderfull Sami....keep up the gd work...u2 Etienne

  5. Thanks Sami! You indeed worked on your Post and it looks much better now!!!!!!

    Great Job!!!


  6. nice it is a very interesting problem to find the area of a triangle by using the method of determinant

  7. nice method Sami
    i guess its still easier than using:
    as finding the "altitude" still takes much longer

  8. Altitudes for Sami are like for Maxime Chaaya, a step away...

  9. i like how we can find the area that easily...
    i think it will help us alot in our calculations
    nice 1

  10. nice one! your post is very helpful, it shows us how simple and easy it is to use matrices in order to find the triangle's area

  11. good one, it's really interresting and it's similar to the method used by jose..impressing...
