Friday, January 8, 2010

Real-world Application of Linear Algebra

The Earth travels around the Sun in an ellipse, and the Sun is at a focal point of that ellipse. Likewise for a satellite travelling around the Earth (Figrue 1). It is possible for a satellite to travel in a circular orbit, but that is a special case. From such information we are able to derive the orbit of an object using linear algebra. The satellite-based Global Positioning System
(GPS) works by locking on to the signals of at least three satellites to calculate a 2 dimensional
position (latitude and longitude) and track movement. With four or more satellites in view, the receiver can determine the userʼs 3D position (latitude, longitude and altitude). The location
of an object could be identifi ed using 3 satellites or more. This can be done by solving linear
Mixing chemicals is a method used by a chemist to provide a useful outcome (e.g. solid, gas, liquid, spark, perfume... etc.) or not useful outcome (e.g. fire, bad smell, explosion... etc.). Dealing with chemicals is dangerous, but mixing chemicals is even more dangerous. The chemist has to
ensure that s/he is using the right amount of each chemical or there may be a disaster (or by luck a new invention). For example, when developing photographic negatives, s/he is dealing with three chemicals (developer, fixer and stop path), each one to be mixed with water in amounts specified by the manufacturer. Incorrect mixing will spoil your nice negatives. Where there is a large number of chemicals involved, computer packages can help to determine the right amounts to be included in the mix. Those computer packages use a technique that involves linear algebra.

Figure 1. Satellite communications and the satellite-
based Global Positioning System (GPS) have
benefi tted from mathematical models using linear

Figure 2. Chemical mixing can be modelled using
linear algebra.


  1. Matrix used with Satellite communications ,the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS), and with chemical mixing.Hope to like it

  2. WOW! this in indeed very interesting Dani! Finally, you find a great subject: GPS, that is becoming popular so much!!

    BUT Please, the last task I will ask: Make it SHORTER!!! Between 10 and 20 lines! And write some sentences using your own words! then it will be perfect!

    Thanks and Good LucK!


  3. Nice post!! Very interesting! I like It "GPS"


  5. I have a Term Presentation tomorrow in my Physics course in LAU and my group and I chose GPS as a topic.
    I was very interested the 1st topic posted by Dani because now I relate myself more to the actual mechanism of GPS functioning.
    And now I understood that these linear algebra methods are linked to Kepler's laws of Planetary motion.
    Thank you for making things clearer.

    Stephanie Audi

  6. i liked how the GPS system works, its mechanism is amazing concerning the 3D where we can know exactly where the person is and find alternative ways. the linear algebra is soo easy now by having understood this example.
    Amale Salame
    (200500966) LAU-J

  7. when you first explained the matrices i thought it was meaningless and i couldnt understand anything concerning this topic. but now after telling us that matrices are used in the 3D and the GPS system i was excited to read this article and made me realise how matrices are so important and surrounding us in every day life.Thank You Doctor for making this course a learning experience.
    Ragheb Salame
    (200900393) LAU-J

  8. i was very interested in knowing thsat matrices are involved in a real life situation like shopping. it is nice to know where is the best place to reading more i liked how matrices make computationis simpler and how it can decode secret phrases. 3D and GPS system are a big hit nowadays so thank you for making it clearer for us to understand how it works.
    Diane Salame
    (200502553) LAU-J

  9. Very interesting post. It is good to know how GPS calculations are linked to matrices.

  10. this is a very intersting post .
    and this is used in our life and this help us to find places
