Friday, April 29, 2011

Chemistry & Matrices

Balancing Equations

We can use matrices to solve and balance chemistry equations.
Forexample if we have the following equation and we want to balance it. Its to easy, we use matrices.
aFeCl2 + bNa3(PO4)---> cFe3(PO4)2 + dNaCl
The solution:
Fe: 1a + 0b -3c = 0d
Cl: 2a + 0b + 0c = 1d
Na: 0a + 3b + 0c = 1d
(PO4): 0a + 1b - 2c = 0d
Note that you do not have a square matrix for Matrix A. Following the regular procedures, you should get a 4 x 3 matrix (four rows, three columns). You can make it square without changing the algorithm by adding a column of 1's at the end of the matrix

Very simple, very easy, it didnt take alot of time to balance it. so have fun and solve other equations with matrices!!!!!!  MATRICES MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER AND MORE INTERESTING


  1. Very nice post. This application is very useful indeed by the fact that matrices are used to simplify chemistry problems and balance the chemical equations easily. This idea is new to me however, because i worked with alot of chemical equations in my chemistry classes and i never thought of using such a way.

  2. So interesting and weird i've never thought that matrices can be useful in chemistry as well! So after all it turns out that linear algebra has indeed a wide range of applications in real life!!:)

  3. It is great that matrices has involved in such things like this one...i mean in chemistry, because i have to got this course after a while, and i think it could help me to know another way to solve.:)

  4. Very interesting post, although, I'm not so good in chemistry, but I tried this method and it really helped me to make balancing equations easier to me.

  5. I didn't know that matrices can be useful in chemistry and it made it easier and simpler than i thought! It is interesting!
