Friday, April 8, 2011

Linear Algebra in Electrical Engineering Problem.

We have to know the currents in the following problem.!!

math expression

The circuit equations, using Krichhoff's Law:

-26 = 72I1 - 17I3 - 35I4

34 = 122I2 - 35I3 - 87I7

-13 = 149I3 - 17I1 - 35I2 - 28I5 - 35I6 - 34I7

5 = 105I4 - 35I1 - 43I5

-27 = 105I5 - 28I3 - 43I4 - 34I6

24 = 141I6 - 35I3 - 34I5 - 72I7

-4 = 233I7 - 87I2 - 34I3 - 72I6

Hard one??!!! We will try to use matrices to solve it in easy way!!!

And the answers will be.....

I1 = -0.4680 A

I2 = 0.4293 A

I3 = 0.0005 A

I4 = -0.2224 A

I5 = -0.2785 A

I6 = 0.2112 A

I7 = 0.2091 A

...just that simple...

This problem was retrieved from:

By: Noubar Krikorian

ID: 20103020


  1. Congrats Noubar!

    You are the first person to POST and your post is a great and excellent example for the other students!

    Your post shows how matrices can make complicated Physics problems easy to solve! by using inverses and multiplication fo matrices!



  2. I really liked your post, and although I have yet to take the electric circuits course, I honestly believe that this will come in handy when solving complex electric circuit problems.
    Not to mention that I'm a strong believer in visual learning, and this blog is a clear demonstration of how students, like myself, can help implement what they learn in real life.

  3. I really liked your post. Never thought that physics can be made simpler by the use of matrices. This is proof that some of the complex engineering problems can be made simpler by exploiting this type of mathematics.

  4. i really liked ur post . i hate physics but after i read ur post i find a way to be familiar with these genre of courses. matrix solve the most complex problem

  5. It's a really great post Noubar, I'm definitely sure that it will help me a lot in solving electrical engineering problems. We can just be amazed by the fact that some problems that we think they are too complicated to solve, can be solved in a very easy way!!

  6. its good defined
