Let {u1 .... uk}be an orthonormal basis for a subspace W of Rn. Form the n x k matrix
= [U1 U2 ... Uk]Then proj
Wv = UU^Tv.The matrix
UU^T is called the projection matrix for the subspace W. It does not dependon the choice of orthonormal basis.
What if we do not start with an orthonormal basis of
Let {a1 ... ak}be any basis for a subspace W of Rn. Form the n k matrixA= [a1 a2 ... ak]
Then the projection matrix for W is A(A^TA)^-1AT .
To see why this formula is true, we need a lemma.
Suppose A is an n k matrix whose columns are linearly independent. ThenA^
TA is invertible.To see why this lemma is true, consider the transformation
A : ->Rn determinedby
A. Since the columns of A are linearly independent, this transformation is one-to-one.Moreover, the null space of
A^T is orthogonal to the column space of A. Consequently, A^Tis one-to-one on the column space of
A, and as a result, A^TA : Rk ->Rk is one-to-one. Bythe Invertible Matrix Theorem,
A^TA is invertible.Now we can compute the projection matrix for the column space of
A. (Note thatW
= Col A.) Any element of the column space of the matrix A is a linear combination ofthe columns of
A, that is,x
1a1 + x2a2 + ... + xkak:If we let
x= [x1 ...
xk ]then
1a1 + x2a2 + : : : + xkak = Ax:Given
v in Rn, we denote by xp the x that corresponds to the projection of v onto W. Inother words, let
Wv = Axp:We find the projection matrix by calculating
xp.The projection of
v onto W is characterized by the fact thatv -
projWvis orthogonal to each vector
w in W, that is,w .
(v -projWv) = 0for all
w in W. Since w = Ax for some x, we haveAx
. (v - Axp) = 0for all
x in Rk. Writing this dot product in terms of matrices yields(
Ax)^T (v - Axp) = 0;which is equivalent to
x^TA^T )(v -Axp) = 0:Converting back to dot products, we have
x .
AT (v -Axp) = 0:In other words, the vector
AT (v - Axp) is orthogonal to every vector x in Rk. The onlyvector in
Rk with this property is the zero vector, so we may conclude thatA
T (v -Axp) = 0:We get
Tv = ATAxp:From the lemma, we know that
ATA is invertible, and we have(
A^TA)^-1ATv = xp:Since
Axp is the desired projection, we haveA
(A^TA)^-1ATv = projWv:We conclude that the projection matrix for
W isA
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